
Monday, August 26, 2019

The Chocolate Touch !!!!!!

The chocolate touch !!!!!!
Looks like
Straight blond hair,tan,green eyes,red hoodie,jeans,
Mean,greedy,bullie. snarls growls 

Looks like
Strait black hair some green eyes,Gray hair,tan 
Mean,greedy,bullie. snarls growls,cooks 

Picked on child
Looks like
Curly brown hair,quiet,tan,brown eyes.
Nice,reads books,always has chocolate,

Story brainstorm 
Wanma had always had a craving for chocolate a numarise times in the day I had to eat it,it was as if someone was controlling me and I was the puppet.I knew it was bad for me but it was like someone had possessed me,I usually stole from other kids because they where all way too low to even get looked at let alone get chocolate. 

Anyway one day a very stormy day at school this 
“wave of craving” came over and I bent down to pick up some chocolate but ……I had run out of chocolate,I thought that Carl must be incredibly daft to forget his chocolate (he always brings chocolate)I muttered some very rude words and sparsely whispered “Goddammit I wish I could get more chocolate” then the sun just flew in (you know like when Jesus appears and the sun comes out behind him )and just as quickly as it came…………it left it was really weird but know one else noticed so it probably happens all the time and the rest of the day went normal (he went to the shop and bought me some chocolate after I spat on him a couple times) when I went home it was the usual I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning everything was A okay except when I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror…………………….
I looked like Carl!!!!! It was suddenly a very bad bad bad dream no a very very terrible nightmare I could not and would not go down the stairs what would my mu- omigosh what would Carl say I would think that I copied him and wants to probably be my friend.I thought for a very long time and came up with the idea of shopping Yahweh(I was being sarcastic by the way) but it was a good idea so I Put on my baseball cap that covers my entire hair,then I went downstairs got fifty dollars in cash and then got some frozen berries from the fridge got container and filled with chocolate when I left I made sure I left a note for his mum,when I finally got to the shop I went to hair accessories and brought some hair dye after that I went home and jumped through the window and dyed his hair back to normal but I wasn't quite sure what to do about his eyes I thought for a little bit and came up with either covering his eyes with green marker and getting eye poisoning and possibly dying or I could just get contacts ya easy no it's not their like 25550$$$$$$$$$ which I didn't have but his rich dad did so I went their and may have stole 25650$$ ya I stole an extra 100$ but what can anyone say I needed it so ya then I went home and brought some contacts and put them in and I kinda looked like himself,but something was missing I seemed to be kinda glowing but I was sure no one noticed then I went to sleep in the morning I woke up but I couldn't  be bothered opening my eyes ,then something happened I could actually feel it like little sparkles he opened his eyes and looked at his hand and there were gold sparkles flying up over his arms it was really pretty then his bed started turning brown and then hardened around him and it was a Hershey chocolate bed then he ate it and it was delicious so he ate it all Then he touched every thing in his room it was like a dream it was a dream but it couldn't be a dream because he had punched himself right in the face and got a black eye but that might have been part of a dream so he punched his nose and he started to bleed so he knew it wasn't a dream and then said
“oh crap what am I gonna do” then it got even worse his mum was coming up stairs so he opened his door and it turned milky way chocolate so he ran down the stairs and grabbed his mum then took her down stairs and then she started turning into caramel chocolate and she looked down and started crying and she said 
“why” and then she turned hard Wanma didn't know what to say so he said nothing and picked her up and took her to her room and put her in her bed and put the blankets over her face and left he went to the lake and he cried he cried for ages he realised his and where covered in chocolate so he went to the fountain the fountain was really pretty with dolphin statues  then he washed his hands and again with those dam sparkles then he went home expecting quietness but his mum was making dinner then he quickly ran up stairs and everything was back to normal


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